Tuesday, June 24, 2008
My problem(s) with Bush
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Obama Shuns Public Bucks
Obama had previously pledged to use that source of funding, IF McCain did as well. But realizing that 84-million is probably chump change compared to what he could raise through private fundraising, he went with option B.
But honestly (and I don't think you will disagree Daron), I am glad he is making this decision.
Our national debt is now at 9-trillion dollars. That equates out to every family in the United States having a share of $147,000 or so (that's doubled in the last 8 years).
Please explain why we should pay for John McCain or Obama to run for office? I understand the idea behind it, but you know what? It's a horse race, let the best fundraiser/speaker/BS'er win!
I feel the same way about airlines, and anyone else the government wants to bail out. You can't cut it, don't be in business. The airlines have NEVER given me a break on anything. Please tell me why my money should go to help them?
Ok, that sounded a little righty.
For more on the Obama story, go here.
By D... By God Jon! You just actually put together some rational thoughts and made an excellent argument! I agree with you unreservedly.
Monday, June 16, 2008
God Help Us All
(CNN) – For only the second time in nearly three decades, there won’t be a Bush on the presidential ballot this November. But that absence may not be a permanent one, the current White House occupants hinted Sunday.
President Bush was asked by a SkyNews correspondent whether the end of his term marked the end of the Bush presidential dynasty that began with his father’s Oval Office tenure 20 years ago.
In response, Bush singled out his brother, who has often been mentioned as a possible Republican presidential contender. "Well, we've got another one out there who did a fabulous job as governor of Florida, and that's Jeb,” he said. “But you know, you better ask him whether or not he's thinking of running. But he'd be a great president."
There had been wide speculation in 2000 that Jeb Bush would enter the Republican primary race that was won by his brother.
During the SkyNews interview, first lady Laura Bush added that public service was an "unbelievable” life.
"One of the reasons George and his brother, Jeb, served in office is because they admired their father [Presient George H.W. Bush] so much," she said.
Asked whether that meant her husband was not “the last Bush," she responded: “Well, who knows. We'll see."
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Why So Left?
But one thing that Daron said to me once, stuck with me.
"Jon, when you are 40," he said. "You will be a Republican."
Insinuating that my lack of belief in conservative values was an error of youth. That as I age, and become more wise, I would smarten up and come over to the "right" side.
But what I think you don't realize Daron, is that I was conservative when I was in High School. When I thought I knew everything. A kid with a silver spoon in my mouth, I didn't give a crap about anyone else. I just believed it was the luck of the draw, and those who didn't have health care needed to pull up their bootstraps and get a real job (even though I had no concept of real work). Anyone on food stamps was just sucking off the hind teet off the system, making those who worked for a living pay for them more. They were able bodied Americans, go LIVE THE DREAM. Make your fortune.
See the thing is, the American dream, as it has been known, is now dead. If Bush one didn't kill it, he merely bludgeoned it, leaving a nasty head wound. Then Clinton kicked it right in the kidney, and of course our current Emperor, His Royal Highness Chancellor Gee Dub has slit its throat.
The system is wrong. It benefits the wealthy, leaving everyone else to flounder. Special interests, and incumbent politicians rule this nation today. If you ain't got the money, fuggettaboutit.
So yeah, when I read Barack Obama's book, and I hear him speak of what this nation could or SHOULD be, I get excited.
America used to be the land of opportunity, for everyone. I hope that we can one day realize that dream again.
A taxpayer voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders

Ok, so ya want some raw political debate? My friend Jon and I are going to attempt to pull off our own "Hannady & Colmes" here, but hopefully neither of us will be nearly as totally ANNOYING as the two of them are. This all came about as somewhat of an extension of "over a beer" type discussions between friends with very different political senses (religious too, but I think politics is enough of a topic for one blog...) Bare in mind that I am just a normal dude who just now is getting to be more interested in politics as I am finally actually beginning to see it affecting me and my family. So don't expect any extensive research and I guarantee I'll have some facts wrong here or there, but I do know where I stand on many of today's issues effecting our country. And OBAMA ain't the answer! Government run / mandated healthcare ain't the answer. Higher taxes ain't the answer. Foreign energy dependency ain't the answer. Crippling our economic potential because of the ever evolving lie that is Global Warming certainly is not the answer (or since no one is buying that one anymore we now must refer to the bs as "Climate Change". Tough to argue with that one Mr. Gore. How much do I owe you?
Simply put, Keep the Govt out of my life!!! A perfect example of this is the DMV. I don't know about you, but I have always dreaded having to go there because of the total and blatant disregard for the "customer" experience. (kind of like Kanab) Ok, now imagine that the Govt is thrown out of it and private investors are able to run a DMV and compete with other DMV owners. Think it might be a better experience to visit one of these places? Think you would be treated courteously and respectfully? Think they might want to get you in and out of there as quickly as possible knowing that your time is valuable? Think they would do their best to make you a repeat customer? Think they would hire friendly and knowledgeable staff to assist you? Of freaking course they would! My case is rested.