Thursday, June 19, 2008

Obama Shuns Public Bucks

Today in a complete 180-degree reversal, Barack Obama announced that he will not take the $84-million dollars of public financing for the campaign after all.

Obama had previously pledged to use that source of funding, IF McCain did as well. But realizing that 84-million is probably chump change compared to what he could raise through private fundraising, he went with option B.

But honestly (and I don't think you will disagree Daron), I am glad he is making this decision.

Our national debt is now at 9-trillion dollars. That equates out to every family in the United States having a share of $147,000 or so (that's doubled in the last 8 years).

Please explain why we should pay for John McCain or Obama to run for office? I understand the idea behind it, but you know what? It's a horse race, let the best fundraiser/speaker/BS'er win!

I feel the same way about airlines, and anyone else the government wants to bail out. You can't cut it, don't be in business. The airlines have NEVER given me a break on anything. Please tell me why my money should go to help them?

Ok, that sounded a little righty.

For more on the Obama story, go here.

By D... By God Jon! You just actually put together some rational thoughts and made an excellent argument! I agree with you unreservedly.

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