But one thing that Daron said to me once, stuck with me.
"Jon, when you are 40," he said. "You will be a Republican."
Insinuating that my lack of belief in conservative values was an error of youth. That as I age, and become more wise, I would smarten up and come over to the "right" side.
But what I think you don't realize Daron, is that I was conservative when I was in High School. When I thought I knew everything. A kid with a silver spoon in my mouth, I didn't give a crap about anyone else. I just believed it was the luck of the draw, and those who didn't have health care needed to pull up their bootstraps and get a real job (even though I had no concept of real work). Anyone on food stamps was just sucking off the hind teet off the system, making those who worked for a living pay for them more. They were able bodied Americans, go LIVE THE DREAM. Make your fortune.
See the thing is, the American dream, as it has been known, is now dead. If Bush one didn't kill it, he merely bludgeoned it, leaving a nasty head wound. Then Clinton kicked it right in the kidney, and of course our current Emperor, His Royal Highness Chancellor Gee Dub has slit its throat.
The system is wrong. It benefits the wealthy, leaving everyone else to flounder. Special interests, and incumbent politicians rule this nation today. If you ain't got the money, fuggettaboutit.
So yeah, when I read Barack Obama's book, and I hear him speak of what this nation could or SHOULD be, I get excited.
America used to be the land of opportunity, for everyone. I hope that we can one day realize that dream again.
"The system is wrong. It benefits the wealthy, leaving everyone else to flounder." I respectfully disagree. In fact, the "system" is already weighted against the "wealthy" unless they happen to be a minority. This seemingly foregone conclusion that the "wealthy" are somehow evil, greedy, to be dealt with people is fundamentally wrong. Aren't we all trying to succeed financially? Should we be labeled as the problem in this country if we are able to actually achieve this goal? Sure, there are people who do foul things to get there, but generalizations such as that are what the dems call racism, sexism, and so forth and so on. So why is it ok for you to label the "wealthy" that way, and why is it their burdon to assure everyone else the same benefits they've earned? Evil wealthy people..........
I think you misunderstand.
When I talk about the "rich" Daron, I mean those in the top one or two percent in the country.
By 2010, if the Bush tax cuts stand, more than 50-percent of all tax cuts will go to the top one percent.
Doesn't that seem odd to you, and (hopefully) wrong that the rich can stay richer?
I don't think we all should earn the same, but why do the middle class (yes, that's us) and the poor consistently pick up the slack. All the while, politicians rake in the benefits.
It's a sick, sick, broken system.
I think where we differ Daron, is that, although I would like to be uber rich, I don't strive for that so I can pay the least amount in taxes.
Don't the top 1 or 2% of the country pay for something like 70% of all the taxes? Don't the poor get all kind of tax breaks and benefits as a result of the top 1 or 2%. And are you legitimately insinuating that the poor are "picking up the slack????" for the wealthy? That is insanity! Where do you get this stuff? Maybe you did know it all in High School...
But shouldn't that be how it is?
Why should the single mom making 15,000 dollars a year pay 10,000 a year in taxes?
In Bush's (and Republican's) America, that's exactly how they want it.
Cause guess what? Most politicians are in the top 2-percent (Bush included). Why would they enact taxes that hurt them?
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